I am pleased to announce that Centauri Spacework's latest, station, the High Security Station, is now operational. This general purpose station offers enhanced security and reliable power. It is the largest station constructed by Centauri Spaceworks to date. It has a total of 118 modules.
To supply the power needed for the 4 oxygen gardens, medical bay, and other modules, the station relies on six nuclear reactors modules, two large solar panels. and a ring of smaller sensor module solar panels. The decreased reliance on solar panel means the station no longer has to maintain a large array of panels, which are susceptible to dust and collisions.
ATV secured in a docking bay |
The station is named for its three high security docking bays. These bays feature an airlock for atmosphere isolation. The radiator doors to protect the docking bay port and any ship docked there from space debris, solar radiation, or prying eyes. Due to the limited size, only smalls vehicles such as an Orion or an ATV can be docked. Larger vehicles will need to use a shuttle to move cargo and personnel between the HSS and the vehicle.
Next up in the schedule of Centauri Spaceworks line of enhanced security stations will be a prison station.